You can integrate our system with your website using HTML snippets. Create a page on your website for each feature you need, and then place the corresponding HTML snippet on that page. For example, if you want a page for members to sign in and manage their account, create a page on your website, select the "Member sign-in and manage account" option below to obtain the HTML snippet, then place that snippet on the page.
Note 1: You can only use 1 embed code per page.
Note 2: Previews for the pages with HTML snippets may not work properly. Use a different browser (where you are not logged into Squarespace/Weebly/etc) to view the actual site.
Note 3: HTML snippets for forms/carts/donations and single event registration can be obtained from the respective form or event dashboard.
Display from folder: Only public folders can be displayed. To make a folder public, go to Folders, hover over the folder name, click on "Options" and select "Make Public".
Open directory links in new tab (no referral information passed):
Sort members by:
Optional - display only members with any of following labels (none selected = display all in folder):
Optional - display only following specific levels in order selected (none selected = display all from most expensive to least expensive):
Optional - display only the following event categories (none selected = display all):
Optional - floating website navigation bar offset (number of pixels):