Membership Form Templates

There are 3 membership form templates:

  1. Member Sign-Up - this is the template used when a new member is signing up.
  2. Member Manage - this is the template used when an existing member is signing in to manage their account.
  3. Admin Profile - this is the template used for the member's Profile tab in your administrative interface.

Having separate templates for these forms allow you to have fields or features on one form but not another. For example, data fields that are for administrators only would exist only on the Admin Profile template.

Tabs, Boxes & Fields

Templates are organized as "Tabs", which contains "Boxes", which in turn contains "Fields". Visually, this corresponds to the tabs, boxes and inputs in the account screen.

Each tab is given a 1-word name. There are also visibility settings, where the tab can be hidden or displayed depending on whether the member has specific folder/labels/membership levels, or whether the member chooses not to be in the directory. For example, the default template is configured to hide tabs/boxes that are not required for members who are not going to be in the directory - ie, deals, profile gallery, etc.

Note 1: The Admin Profile consists of just 1 tab and it is not editable.

Note 2: You cannot add more boxes to the first tab for member signup and member manage templates, or setup visibility settings on the first tab.

Under each tab, you can have multiple boxes. Boxes either contain fields (a "Custom Form" box), or serve a specific/special function - billing, business card, profile gallery, deals, additional contacts, or user labels. You can provide a title and description for each box or leave those blank as well. You can also set the visibility of each box to hide or show it depending on the member's membership level, labels or folders, or whether they are listed in the directory.

Fields are added to Custom Form boxes. You can add standard fields (such as name, password, address, etc) or your own custom fields.

Re-Arranging Tabs, Boxes & Fields

You can click and drag tabs, boxes, or fields around to re-arrange them. When dragging, a black bar will appear in the space between tabs, boxes or fields, to indicate where the item will be dropped.

Syncing Changes Between Templates

When you make changes to one template, the changes are not automatically reflected to the other templates. For example, when you add a custom field to the Member Sign-Up form, that field will not appear in the Member Manage or Admin Profile templates until you add the field to that template.

You can use the "Copy" button on the left side of the screen to copy the Member Sign-Up or Member Manage templates to the other templates.

Best Practices For Better Conversion

Every extra step in a form can reduce conversions between 1-5%. So when designing your form, always consider whether a piece of information (field) is truly necessary.

This is especially important for the first tab on the Member Sign-Up template. Each person who abandons that form, is one less member for your organization. So in effect, each extra field on this tab could mean 1-5% of your revenue. Therefore we recommend keeping only the fields that are absolutely essential on this tab. Less important fields can be moved to later tabs, past the point where the member has already signed up with your organization.

Having too many tabs, boxes and fields can be intimidating. Use the visibility settings to hide boxes and tabs where not necessary for members who are not going to be listed in your directory. Remove any boxes and tabs that contain features you are not planning to use (eg. if you are not going to publish deals).

Example: Adding Profile Links To Member Profiles