Creating Member Only Pages (HTML5)

Creating A Member Only Directory

To create a member only directory, set the visibility settings of all your directory profile tabs under Customization > Directory Profile. Enable the Show only if user viewing page has any of these folders/labels option, and select the appropriate folders/labels to provide access to. If every tab of the profile requires a folder/label, then members will be required login to view the directory.

Creating A Member Only Event Calendar / List

To create a member only event calendar or list, set the visibility settings of all your event groups - go to Event Calendar, then click on Setup Event Categories. Enable the Only allow following members to view events in this category option, and select the appropriate folders/labels to provide access to. If every event category requires a folder/label, then members will be required to login to view the event calendar/list.

Hiding Other Web Page Content From Non-Members

You can hide content on your web pages from non-members by placing a HTML snippet on your page. This can be used on SquareSpace, Weebly and other systems that does not encapsulate the HTML code within an iframe. It does not work on Wix or GoDaddy Website Builder V7.

Note 1: You cannot use this with another of our HTML snippets on the same page. For example, you cannot use the member only snippet with the snippet for the event calendar on the same page.

Note 2: Previews for the pages with member only snippets may not work properly. Use a different browser (where you are not logged into Squarespace/Weebly/etc) to view the actual site.

Note 3: This snippet hides content on the user's browser, but it does not prevent web crawlers (such as Google) from indexing the content. To prevent web crawlers from indexing the content you need to block the pages from indexing through your website management console (ie. SquareSpace, Weebly, etc).

Place the HTML snippet below within the page content. Any content above the snippet will be displayed, any content below the snippet will be hidden from non-members. Make sure the snippet is entered at the same level (and not at a lower hierarchy) as the content you want hidden.

Only users who are signed in on an account that is in one of the selected folders will be able to view the content. If the user's membership is expired, the setting under Organization Settings > Integration > Membership Settings control how long after their membership expired before they lose access to the content.

Show content for members with any of following labels or folders:

<script type="text/javascript">"hidden";</script><div id="SFctr" data-org="" data-mfl=""><div style="clear:both"></div></div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>