Email Templates - Boards

The following are tags supported in board email templates. Note that only fields used on the form template can be applied.

General Tags
[now] - Current date
[us] - Name of your organization
[website] - Website for your organization (as setup under Organization Settings
Form Field Tags
[uid] - Account ID
[contact] - Contact name field if available, otherwise Account Name field
[nam] - Account name
[ctc] - Contact name
[biz] - Organization name
[pos] - Position
[adr] - Address, formatted as one line, excluding country
[ad1] - Address line 1
[ad2] - Address line 2 (excluding country)
[con] - Address country (2 letter code)
[phn] - Phone
[cel] - Mobile
[fax] - Fax
[eml] - Account email
[emd] - Public directory email
[web] - Website
[sky] - Skype
[cnm] - Tagline
[pfl] - Profile description
[nte] - Admin note
[ttl] - Listing title
[dtl] - Listing description
[erl] - Listing/application URL
[lrq] - Listing requirements
[lsr] - Listing price/salary range
[lsb] - Listing benefits
[lty] - Listing type
[lwl] - Listing location type
[lwa] - Listing address
[x??] - Custom field - use the 2-letter identifier (in lower case) after the "x". For example for "LF", the shortcode would be [xlf]
Board Specific Tags
[ttl] - Password (if an account created by checkout action)
[lid] - Name of board
[_id] - Listing ID
[total] - Purchase total
[tax] - Tax
[pretax] - Total excluding tax
[due] - Amount due if paying offline
[dcc] - Discount code
[txn] - Credit card transaction ID
[rqa] - Form template questions/answers (per form's Form Template tab), in list format
[itemtable] - Table showing item, quantity, price and subtotal - this table cannot be customized