Invoices is a flexible way for you to bill members for anything not paid through the Member Sign Up form, membership renewals in the Member Manage form, event registrations or Forms/Carts/Donations. For example, you can use it for incidentals, additional fees, silent auction items, and more.

Creating Invoices

To create an invoice, pull up the member's account, click on "Create New Entry" from the Timeline tab and select "Invoice".

List all the items on your invoice, each item can be classified under Membership, Events, Donations, Cart, Other or Handling for purposes of payment classification. Note that if tax needs to be included in the invoice it must be entered manually.

Once an invoice has been created an invoice number will be assigned automatically (starting from 10,000).

Note: Once an invoice has been created and paid, the line items and amounts cannot be edited, however you will still be able to edit the tags or notes associated with the invoice.

Label & Membership Actions

You can have labels/folders added or removed upon payment of the invoice. In addition, you can setup invoices to update membership details for a member upon payment.

If you setup membership actions, here are some important notes:

1. Upon payment, members will be set to "Manual Billing". If a member is on Automatic Recurring billing, the automatic billing will be cancelled.

2. If an open invoice with membership actions exist, the member will not be able to use our normal membership billing box to upgrade, downgrade or renew. Instead they will be shown their open invoices with the ability to view, print, email or pay for those invoices. So when you create an invoice with membership actions, you are overriding our regular membership billing system.

Allowing Members To View & Pay Invoices

Option A - Direct Payment URL You can add a [dpl] tag to the invoice template (see next section) and update the URL to your member manage account page under Organization Settings > Integration > Website Integration. The [dpl] tag will embed a direct link on the invoice where users can go to and pay for the invoice without having to log in.

Option B - Create Manage Invoices Page If you prefer that members login or if you want to allow members to pay for multiple invoices at once, you can create a dedicated "Member Manage Open Invoices" page on your website. Members can sign in and view, print, email and pay for invoices that are open on their account on this dedicated page. Create the page with your content management system (WordPress, Webbly, SquareSpace, etc), then add the appropriate shortcode or HTML snippet (see Basics & Setup) to the page.

Once a member is signed in, from this page they will be able to view, email or print the open invoices, as well as pay for their open invoices using their credit card.

Option C - Invoices On Member Manage Page Alternatively you can add a "Payment/Invoice" history box to the Member Manage template under Customization, which will allow members to see their invoices as well pay for any open invoices from the Manage Account page.

Customizing Invoice Templates

The templates can be found under Customization > Emails:

1. Invoice - this is the template that is used to display, print or email the invoice. We recommend that you customize this template to include an URL to the page on your website where members can pay for their invoices. Note that if you customize this template, you should use responsive HTML and CSS and test accordingly to ensure the invoice appears correctly on any display (desktop to mobile), in emails as well when printed.

2. Invoice Payment Receipt - this template is used when an invoice payment is made.

3. Invoice Refund Receipt - if a refund is issued for an invoice payment, this is the email template used.