Renewal notices are setup under each membership level under Labels & Membership > Membership Levels.
The following are tags supported in the upcoming renewal and past due emails sent to members. Note that not all account fields listed here may be applicable if they are not being used on your membership forms.
[us] - Name of your organization
[website] - Website for your organization (as setup under Organization Settings
[contact] - Contact name field if available, otherwise Account Name field
[nam] - Account name
[ctc] - Contact name
[biz] - Organization name
[pos] - Position
[adr] - Address, formatted as one line, excluding country
[ad1] - Address line 1
[ad2] - Address line 2 (excluding country)
[con] - Address country (2 letter code)
[phn] - Phone
[cel] - Mobile
[fax] - Fax
[eml] - Account email
[emd] - Public directory email
[web] - Website
[sky] - Skype
[cnm] - Tagline
[pfl] - Profile description
[nte] - Admin note
[x??] - Custom field - use the 2-letter identifier (in lower case) after the "x". For example for "LF", the shortcode would be [xlf]
[label] - Name of membership level
[amount] - Membership level billing amount including add-ons but excluding tax
[total] - Membership level billing amount including add-ons and tax
[interval] - Membership level billing interval
[date] - Date of renewal
[itemtable] - Table showing items (membership levels and add-ons), quantity, price and subtotal - this table cannot be customized
[lblamttaxsum] - Rows with columns label name, amount, tax, total*
* This tag will break down the membership level and any membership add-ons into separate rows, with the columns indicating the level/add-on description, amount, applicable tax, and sub-total. This tag can only be used when working directly in HTML (using the "Source" mode of the editor) as it must be wrapped within a HTML table like this:
CSS must be applied to the table and th elements using inlined rules to layout your table. Note that CSS cannot be applied directly to the tr or td parent elements of the tag.