Setup PayPal Payflow Pro

You will need a Paypal Payflow Pro account. If you need automatic recurring billing for memberships you will also need to signup for Recurring Payments. Note that these services incur monthly fees with Paypal.

Step 1: Create API User

Sign in to Paypal Manager and navigate to Account Administration > Manage Users. Create a user - this user will only be used for our system to process transactions. Use a suitable contact name, email address, user login and a long randomly generated password (we recommend minimum 20 characters). Select "API_FULL_TRANSACTIONS" under Predefined Role, and "Active" for the User Status.

Step 2: Add Credentials

Once this user is created, from our system go to Organization Settings > Integration > Payments and select "Paypal Payflow Pro" for the payment gateway. Enter the user login and user password for the new user you just created. Under Merchant login and Partner, enter the same merchant login and partner that you used to sign in to Paypal Manager. Click on "check if your API keys are valid" to make sure your API keys are correct (note this only verifies if the API keys are correct, it cannot verify if your Paypal account is configured properly). Then click Save & Continue.

Step 3: Check Transaction Settings

If you have not yet done so, from Paypal Manager go to Account Administration > Manage Security and ensure your security settings are suitable for the transaction amounts you will be processing.

Final Testing

Test your Paypal Payflow Pro integration by actually signing up as a member on your website. You can always refund your own credit card afterwards. This is the only way to be assured that your signup form works. Make sure the transactions appear on the account timeline and the renewal date is updated correctly after signing up. Please allow 1 business day for automatic recurring billing payments to be processed by Paypal.