Membership Reports

Stats Dashboard

From Dashboard > Stats you can see a breakdown of the accounts you have stored in the system:

  • Accounts w/ membership - Accounts with a membership level assigned to the account.
  • Accounts w/o membership - Accounts that do not have a membership level assigned to the account.

Do take note of the number of accounts without membership. If you are only storing members in the system, you may not expect to have any accounts without membership. In that case you can click on this line to pull up all those accounts so that you can review them.

The next section provides you with a breakdown of those accounts that do have a membership assigned to them:

  • Current paying members - Accounts on a recurring membership billing option, with a membership expiration date that is not in the past
  • Accounts on lifetime/one-time billing - Accounts on a one-time membership billing option (ie. lifetime billing option) OR a membership level that only have one-time membership billing options (ie. lifetime membership levels).
  • Accounts on free membership - Accounts with membership level that is free
  • Accounts with no renewal date - Accounts on a membership level that is not free, but do not have a membership expiration date
  • Accounts past due - Accounts whose membership expiration date is in the past

Do take note of the number of accounts with no renewal date. Without a renewal date, these accounts will remain members and continue to receive member access without ever needing to make a renewal payment or receiving any renewal notices.

As with the last section, you can click on any of these lines to pull up the corresponding accounts. Once you pull up that report, you can perform further searches (filter by membership level, name, etc), and email or export the list.

Membership Dashboard

From Dashboard > Membership, you can see membership activity within any date range:

  • New Members - accounts that joined or were added by an admin within the specified date range
  • Upgrades/Downgrades - accounts that changed their membership level/add-on within the specified date range
  • Renewals - accounts that made a renewal/membership payment within the specified date range
  • Upcoming Renewals - accounts whose renewals are in the future and within the specified date range
  • Past Due - accounts whose memberships expired within the specified date range

Unlike the Stats Dashboard, all this data is provided only for the date range specified at the top of the page.

Inside each box, you can click on individual account names to pull up that account, or you can also click on the titles (New Members, Upgrades/Downgrades, Renewals, Upcoming Renewals, Past Due) to retrieve all the accounts indicated in that box. Once you pull up that report, you can perform further searches (filter by membership level, name, etc), and email or export the list.

Timeline Dashboard

From Dashboard > Timeline, you can see all Timeline activity for the any date range. This section allows you to locate specific types of activity - for example if you are looking for members who updated their profile recently.

You can filter the transactions by type (eg. just profile updates, or just notes), and/or filter by tag. Note that tags are normally manually entered when you edit or create a Timeline entry, but renewal notices are automatically tagged with the renewal notice number so you can retrieve them easily with the number on this screen.