If you have duplicate member accounts you can merge them easily. To merge 2 accounts, simply drag the card of one account and drop it over the card of another account (note that your mouse cursor should be over the appropriate card). The accounts would be merged in the following manner:
- Fields from the account with the newer join date will override the information in the older account where applicable.
- The membership level, add-ons and renewal date from the account with the newer join date will override the older account. In the case where the old account has an Automatic Recurring Billing profile but the new account does not, we will attempt to transfer the Automatic Recurring Billing to the new account. A timeline note will be created indicating the membership information from both accounts before the merge.
- The Timeline entries of both accounts will be combined, with the following exceptions - the older join date will be retained, the renewal date from the appropriate account from #2 will be retained.
- The contacts of both accounts will be combined. There will be no de-duplication of contacts.
- The profile gallery images from both accounts will be combined, there is no de-duplication of images.
- The business card image from the account with the newer join date will be retained.